my timetable

went to college on 6 Jan, took timetable..list of courses tat offered tis semester. tis semester, there are 9 subjects i can take.

but very headacne lo. the time clash wif each other. i plan to take 5 subjects mah...but no matter how i plan the time, i still only can take 4 subjects. finally, i choose another subject. tis subject i can attend one of the class but another one clash wif my other class.

so monday i'm going to discuss wif the lecturer c wat can v do lo...hope she can change...i just need her to delay the class one hour later...

i cant study wif thevagi. different class. tis semester offered de she already took le. so we hv to c next semester can study together o not lo. i major in communication and psycology. she took MIS and psycology. so no matter how we still got chance to meet up in college up 4 lunch if can lo.

i can meet moon on tuesday and friday. hope our timetable wont hv any changes lo.

last nite chat on phone wif moon. we chat 4 2 hours! is a record...coz we didnt chat tat long be4. wat we chat? about future...wat we will do...tis 3 years we must jia you. he works hard..i study hard...

he told me tat his 3 ex gf also still got contact wif him. i dun mind about tis lo. break up le still can b frenz mah. and then he told him tat his 3 ex told him tat he gave them sweet memory. 1st ex...she likes dolphin and blue colour. i like dolphin and blue too wor. last time when she is down moon will tell her blue colour story. i duno wat is tat...haha. but i didnt ask him about the story.

so she say till now when she is sad...she will think back the story he told her. then 2nd ex..she like pigs. god, i like pigs too! so ngam....then when she is sad...moon told her to draw pig...draw as many as she wan...draw until the paper koyak.

hmm..i xian muk them lo. coz got memory tat gave by moon and is from things tat they love. then i start to think wat did moon tell me when i'm sad...hmm...the only thing tat he told me be4 is close my eyes and think of him...and keep shout his name.

anyway...i wont compare myself wif his ex lo. no point. im lucky tat im wif moon lo...they are aledi a dun think bout it le. hope coming years moon and i can go through everything lo. got problem also can solve...hehe.

moon, me, all of my frenz...jia you o! hope 2006 is a good year 4 everyone!!!!!!!


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