started class in college very sleepy...last nite was cousin bro's wedding dinner at seremban. dad drove us back to seremban. we reach cousin bro's house around 10.30am. then wait 4 the bride lo...

didnt had my breakfast...was so hungry n sleepy...coz wake up at 7am sumthing. mama didnt go back wif us coz she had class from 10am - 6pm. she will be there 4 dinner.
after the ceremony in cousin bro's house, we went to eat "lao shu fen". tis shop famous 4 its "lao shu fen".

then i sms moon ask him to come over to eat too. my 2nd aunt invite him to the dinner tonite. but he told them he got rehearsal wor. actually he has nth to do at nite. is just tat he dun hv nice clothes to attend dinner. but i told him nvm de..just wear jeans n t-shirt lo. anyway he insist tat he dun wanna go...

went out wif moon after lunch...then around 5pm i went back to grandpa's house. i took my bath...change dress. i was force to wear tat dress. how to describe tat dress ya? hmm...2 piece...the skirt is wrap up de. is almost like batik suit lo...but not batik...wat am i saying? *doink* sorry not good in describing...

choose ear ring to match...wear the gold high heels...all my aunts said...wah...pretty wor. thx thx thx...hehe. then i walk out n ask moon, i look ok? he say ya...actually he was sick..he went to c specialist and confirm tat he got sinux. luckily medicine can cure...

then wait 4 mama to arrive...then off we go to restaurant. reach there, no table 4 my bro n me! embarassing! children suppose to sit a table but my other cousin bro n sis sat wif their parents! haih...then 2nd cousin bro said, nvm la u sit wif me and my other cousin bro. they just now keep praising u o...n ask me who r u...go la i intro u to them.

yerr...y like tat? im here not to lian yi leh...i told him i dun wan. so weird. then my bro n i sit wif my parents and my uncle. at least there's a place 4 us...=p

sat down and mama ask me to go wif her to meet her sch frenz. im the bride...haha! coz im like the bride walking around n shake hands wif at them...those aunties was like...o...ur daughter so big aledi ar? in my mind was, of coz mom almost same age wif u big is ur children then my mama's children's also almost there sure will grow up rite? haha...

after tat, went back to eat last 2 dishes...then time to say byebye lo. my 2nd aunt say u really look pretty wor...good good..haha...ya watever...thx wor...moon sms me and say i really look very pretty last nite.really? got so pretty? duno o...dun dare to think tat i'm pretty...coz i still believe my eyes n my look in the mirror! hehe....

reach home aledi around 12am lu...unpack my stuff then sleep. coz today got class mah....9am class! cham...

tis morning..i dun wanna go to college o. but 1st day takkan dun come....n i hv to discuss wif lecturer to change time. o not my timetable is in a wake up...drag my feet to the toilet...drag my whole body in the car...n sleep again.

ate breakfast wif dad...then dad fetch me to college. 1st class, general psychology. strict. tough. tis is wat i feel when im in class. im full of confident be4 i start tis semester. i got confident tat i can cope up my studies...but now...drop 50% le. sad sad...

psychology is like bio. learn about brain...nerves...neuron...which i dun like! going to discuss wif mama i wanna drop one major..n do single major. communication is not easy...n i summore add a tough subject 4 myself? i'm making my life tough...

but mama wont let me drop one major...since is same price if i do double major. tis is wat she think lo...but mama, study got pressure is ok...but making my entire study life under pressure...i feel im lost suddenly...

i feel im so small in the class...duno y...dun really noe how to describe the feel when im in the class. T_T

then effective listening class. the very straight forward. if she dont like then she will say it out. very out-spoken. very cool person. i kind of like her. she said is very very hard to fail her paper, but is not a easy paper..*doink*

4 effective listening, we are suppose to write a journal after each class. tis means every week two journal. about wat we learn from the class n wat we r thinking lo. then pass it all up when final exam. is part of the assignment wor...

wat should i write? praise the lecturer haha...say her lecture was so good till i feel comfort in the class...=p...hmm...i will really write anything tat come across my mind lo. since she said is informal...

i duno how my college life will be...i just hope i can get good good i can get scholarship..then my parents will proud of me...n at least show them tat i did my best!


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