Simone's Tag

Simone...tis is my answer to ur tag...

1. Weird Habit
~ hmm...i must switch on my fan everynite when i sleep. is not bcoz i wan the wind but i must listen to the fan's sound. second, i dun like to put a lot of dishes in my plate. as in, i must finish one dish then only will eat another dish. i dun like different dishes all mix together in a plate, it dun look neat n the taste all not nice le. third, i will bite the straw till flat only i "man yi", haha! in the mean time, i only can think of 3 weird habits leh...i think i got more...lolx

2. Weird Obsession
~ same like simone. cant live without chili...haha! without chili padi i will feel like, everything is sooo taste..

3. Weird Craving
~ weird craving...hope tat my breast will b bigger [chin maan's idea..haha]. other than tis, i also cant think of any le...hehe

4. Weird Anatomy
~ i duno wor...i dun think i got any weird anatomy ba...=p

5. Weird Dream
~ same like simone too. i usually dun remember my dreams. weird one ar...i think is the recent one, dong liang tat dream ba. when im sick, i will hv bad dreams...i remember when i was 11 o 12 years old. i had high fever, i dreamt tat dinosour came n distroy our world...=_="

the difficult part of tis tag is...hv to think weird things. weird craving..weird anatomy?! when i answered tis..i feel like answering exam questions...haha!


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