
mid term is next week...
unfortunately anthropology is the 1st paper
till now i still duno wat is he talking..haih

psy..i think is still ok. i just hv to crap a lot
n memorize the brain part n neurons and some theories ba
another subject...sociology...tis one im worried

coz tat day he gave us a test. all of us cannot answer the essay part
n wat he said really scare me, "mid term de essay will b 10x more difficult than tis test
=_=''....aledi cant answer the question in the test, wat about 10x more difficult de question??!!!

haih...mid term really stress leh. all my subjects got mid term except malaysian studies
final, only anthropology and psychology.
so final im wont b tat stress coz mainly is group assignment and projects

i done wif one of malaysian studies assignment lu
left another one n psy assignment...
my eyes dun feel comfortable le...coz staring at the computer screen for a long time

pls...i wish i got time to study for my exams..
i really cannot screw up my mid term de...
jiayi jia you!!!! gambateh...!!!


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