type of phobia

zoophobia - animals
xenophobia - strangers
thanatophobia - death
social phobia - observation or evaluation by others
nytophobia - darkness
mysophobia - dirt
kakorrhaphiophobia - failure
hydrophobia - water
gynephobia - women
genophobia - sex
gamophobia - marriage
electrophobia - electricity
cypridophobia - sexually transmitted disease
cynophobia - dogs
claustrophobia - small or enclosed places
agoraphobia - open spaces
aereophobia - flying
acrophobia - high places

*bold de is my phobias...*

i think i got claustrophobia, because if you cover me with blanket or put me in a box i will be very scared and i cant breath de. i very scared of enclosed places. when i play hide and seek, i sure wont hide in a cupboard or box..

but lecturer said ppl who got claustrophobia, they even scared to be in a room. i think im not tat serious lo. i can be in a room but i cannot be in the cupboard or box. oh ya..i hate to play maze. because i feel like im stuck in the "box". i cannot go out. no matter where i go in the maze..it looks the same, then i will start to panic and i cannot breath.

haih..i also duno why im like tat. i realise tat im scared of enclosed thing when my brother push me in a box. and he dont let me come out from the box. this happen when im 7 or 8 years old.

so how about u girls? got any phobias? there are some other phobia too...but i lazy to type jor..hehe!


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