this morning very "hong pou" o...
at 8am, sky aledi very dark le..
so i was hoping it dont rain before i reach chocolate shop
my hope came true..hehe
around 9am something two buses came
one is from yun nan, china de
another one is hong kong...
so around 10am...
suddenly very strong wind and rain!
rain very very heavily o...
chairs in front of our shop also blown away
the scene was like....taufan is coming
and ppl still enjoying shopping in chocolate shop

i said that i met different kind of customers right? i talk about some customers that make me feel =_="
the =_=" questions are...
" what is the differences of sweet and bitter?"
" why this chocolate got three flavours de?"

today one of the customer make me feel "zha dao"
i told him " this is hei zhi ma bai qiao ke lik"
(this is black sesame white chocolate)
he said then got bai qiao ke lik hei zhi ma ma?"
(got white chocolate black sesame?)

today only we know the koreans children that came to our chocolate shop
study in the private secondary school at genting view
on tuesday, whole group of korean girls came...
today boys came in first...
so i asked them " what kind of chocolate u all are looking for?"
one of the boy answered me "that guy want to buy a gift"
i said, "buy for girl?"
he said, "ya..."

so i showed them the heart shape chocolate
and the bear chocolate...
his face straight away turn red o...haha~
so cute...then they ran out the shop
and came in with the group of girls again
and ran out again =_="
then he came in with his friend that told me he wanna buy the gift
at last he bought the big box of chocolate...
that one is RM25 for one, buy one get 1 free
he only got RM30...
when he pay, we asked him buy for girlfriend ar?
he was sooooo paiseh...dont dare to look at us
we asked him how old are you
he said they are only 13 years old

dont know why i felt the sweet-ness in my heart
so cute and so sweet...
13 years old, not much pocket money
but wanna buy gift for a girl that he likes...
SWEET! hehe...
they may not know what is love...
but is will be a sweet memory to think back
when they grow up...

countdown working days
9 days


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