Grace (my housemate) brought back chinese newspaper
then she told me to read one of the article
the article is about a rich boy kidnapped by China couple
they showed a picture of the entrance of a college
and is very very obvious is MY COLLEGE!!!
OMG...someone kidnapped and killed and is from my collegE?!!!
so i read the article...which is not a full report
the rich boy's dad bought a nice house to let his own son stay
then his son knew this China couple in my college
they became friends, so his father rent the one of the room to the China couple
and he only charge them for RM100+
then the article didnt say when and how they kidnapped the rich boy
and didnt really say how they kill him
just say that the boy has asthma...
when he died, only wearing underwear
his girlfriend identify his body by recognizing his underwear's brand
how to recognize the brand?
got special brand? =="

they didnt post the rich boy photo
till now i dont know who is he
im curious to know that did i meet him before?
maybe he is my classmate?

my college's guards everyday check on us
must hang ur ID card on ur neck
Thevagi wore her previous college's t-shirt
the guard dont let her in...==""""
and see now wat happen?
student kill student...
the world has change...
so cruel....all because of $$$
kill you, rape you...

dear called me just now
told me that his student asked him why i didnt follow him today
i used to follow him for 2 weeks le...
today is the first time i didnt go with him
anyway...i dont feel good when he told me that
then the girl said wanna go for casting or not
she works in a event company
bla bla bla lu...
then i said, tat time i keep ask you to go seventeen for casting
you didnt respond and say wanna go....
then i also forgoot wat he answered me...
after that i also dont hv any mood to talk le

jealousy again lo...

feel that why always wat i said he didnt take in account
but wat ppl said he will consider...
this feeling is not the first time le
maybe im not a creditable person to him ba..

i always angry about myself...
why do i wanna care every small little thing
i know i shouldnt...but i cant control
he might hate me for all these...
but i really cant control
haiz...WATEVER ba...

christy sms-ed me about my college case
thought wanna tell her what had happened to me gei
but at last i didnt...i decided to post it here

i got lots of random thoughts...
feelings tat i cant control and i cant understand
i know i might be an annoying person
wat i can say is...SORRY...

*hope jealousy run far away from me*


Anonymous said…
u can just post it here and i will read it wan.. no matter when or where, if u wanna talk sure can sms me... my phone 24 hours on... k? take care


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