dont know why whenever i online
i only read ppl's blogs, check friendster and mails
and update my blog...
dont even hv to heart to go and do assignments!
cham lo...due date of final projects are coming soon jor

last week dear and me lepak at Sunway
i wanna buy top coat and base coat for nail
so i went to skin food
dear wanna have a look at the men's skin care
the promoter there intro the products lo
dear asked me he should try skin food or not
i said try lo, dont try how u know good or not?
so he bought the whole range of men's skin care
it costs RM106, cheaper than the Body Shop's one

i remember yvonne mention about rice mask b4
so i went and have a look
the promoter told me lots of things too
intro every products there..
make me feel so guilty for only buying top and base coats only

if i buy the rice mask, RM44
then i scared end of the month i dont hv enough cash
so i plan to buy next month
when we did our payment, the promoter gave us samples
dear get black sesame hot mask
which you really feel hot when u apply it on ur face
me get rice mask!!! i was like..YEAH!
at least i get to try b4 i buy lo...
really a good mask!
confirm buying rice mask from skin food next month le

we went to mid valley on 151006 mah
i saw there's a Samsung booth in front of Topshop
so we went and hv a look
they are promoting three ultraslim phones
SGH-X820, SGH-D830 and SGH-D900
these phones really ULTRASLIM lo

dear like D830, i like D900!!!
i didnt get to play with the D900
because there's a gal keep holding the phone
as if the phone is hers!!! >.<
3.0 megapixels...the photos are SO clear!
must save money le...time to change hp! XD

just went and read minni's blog
she looks quite good in punk..hehe!
but i think the hairstyle can be more punk de
and i started to think...
how do i look in punk style leh?
i think will look very weird haha!

read Simone's blog too
saw the posters she made
wah...very nice leh!!!
why u all so good in using photoshop and designing ar?
yvonne..simone...can do so nice pictures
i thought i should be quite good in art
becoz im left handed? hehe...

ok lu~ nothing to crap jor
wanna lvl up in JX2...


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