tagged by Mandy again...
sometimes i think is good to tagged by ppl
to me, at least ppl remember me

Name 20 peoples you can think of and then tag 5 more people to do this survey.Do not read the questions before you write.

1. dear
2. minni
3. wei leng
4. su ann
5. heng
6. elaine
7. sam
8. caleb
9. nicholas teo
10. Mandy
11. Jay Chou
12. Yvonne
13. Simone
14. Grace
15. Chin Maan
16. Jiahao
17. Mama
18. wang xin ling
19. Ann
20. Farhana

1. How did you meet #14 (Grace)?
* meet her at my college. she was my classmate when we study foundation

2. What would you do if you haven't met #1 (Dear)?
* nothing special ba, probably continue my single life and convince myself how good being a single hahaha!!! and pray hard that my true love come to me SOON!!! xp

3. What would you do if #20 (Farhana) and #9 (Nicholas Teo) date?
* OMG...i dont think they will date because Farhana dont even know who is Nicholas Teo! haha...if they date, i will be in shock!

4. Would #6 (Elaine) and #17 (Mama) make a good couple?
* Elaine is my housemate, she is Heng's gf. so i dont think my mom and her will be couple lo.my mom is married to my dad! haha...

5. Describe #3 (Wei Leng)
* she is a nice and polite girl. always thinks of others first. to me, she is a clever girl too.

6. Do you think #8 (Caleb) is attractive?
* err...to be honest...i dont think so xp [hope he dont read my blog]

7. Tell me something about #7 (Sam).
* my housemate. always play computer games. very big size, tats why if i got night class i will ask him to pick me up from college...haha!

8. Do you know anything about #12's (Yvonne) family?
* not very well because we seldom chat. i only know that her brother is in Japan now

9. What #1 favorite?
* dancing...singing...ME hahahahaha XD

10. What would you do if #11 (Jay Chou) confesses that he/she likes you?
* OMG...will it happen? hahaha..Jay CHou wor, i do hope he confess to me xp but it wont happen la!

11. What language does #15 speak?
* English, Malay, Cantonese, Mandarin [im not sure she can speak hokkien or not]

12. Who is #9 (Nicholas Teo) going out with?
* dont know. he didnt tell me wor...

13. How old is #16 (Jiahao)?
* going to be 17 years old

14. When was the last time you talked to #13 (Simone)?
* two weeks ago...

15. Who is #2 (Minni) favorite singer?
* Kangta and Vanness

16. Would you date with #4 (Su Ann)?
* she is my housemate. why not? i didnt go out with her before o...

17. Would you date with #7 (Sam)?
* i dont think so...

18. Is #15 single?
* nope...

19. What is #10 (Mandy) last name?
* Lee

20. Would you consider being a relationship with #19 (Ann)?
* NO...im not homosexual

21. What school did #17 (Mama) go to?
* my mom went to HELP to complete her degree and masters

22. Where does #6 (Elaine) lives?
* USJ 2

23. What is yours favorite thing about #5 (Heng)
* responsible person

24. What do you think about #13 (Simone)
* a good dancer...she rockzzz!!! XD

25. What do #4 (Su Ann) and #18 (Wang Xin Ling) have in common?
* both are female....haha!!!

26. What special qualities does #5 (Heng) hold in your life?
* he is hardworking...

time to tag other ppl!!!
1. Minni
2. Simone
3. Yvonne
4. Chin Maan
5. Dear


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