
finally decided to go back Genting today
till next thursday morning only come back
just for the Philosophy class!!! >.<

actually go back also good
the air there way better than KL's air
at least it wont make me feel sick
and i hope my skin condition will be better
after staying in Genting for few days

just received sms from Siew Ting
my best friend when im in Form 4 and 5
ask me to come down to KL with her to watch movie
i told her im going back today leh
she said so u cannot come down again meh?
WAH...miss ar, when im in KL u dont call me out?
i go back Genting u wanna call me out?

i feel bad tat everytime i cant make it to meet her
because everytime she chooses the wrong time
to plan to meet her, is the toughest thing i never do in my life!
plan for two weeks leh...and at last didnt meet!
my girl, pls be more considerate tat
i dont hv a car, dont say a car
car license pun i tak ada
and my dear father wont be SO good to fetch me down Batang Kali
he's always with excuses...
although i got bf, but he works 365 days
and i dont wanna depends on him
just to fetch me here and there
he is not my driver...
so PLS...is not tat i dont wanna meet u
is tat u always choose the wrong day and time!

everyday im feeling very tired
i dont know why...
my eyes now really like panda
and i think i hv to buy the eye cream from skin food le

my mood started to turn bad
the last day i felt happy was a day after my birthday
then after that, i feel tat i hv to force myself to smile

yesterday Su Ann told me,
"my cousin sister said ur skin is so good and u look pretty wor"
i felt so paiseh...hahahaha!!!
although i always will say im pretty...bla bla bla
anyway, i still answered her
"ohh...ya ur cousin sister didnt lie.this is the truth!"
LOL all of my housemates do the same facial expression

ya i know tat im not pretty de
im a girl that dont hv any self confidence
i think is because i dont hv self confidence
so i always also say im pretty ba!
just to an wei myself....haahhaha!!!
dont worry, everyday i still stand in front of the mirror
and i know how i look
so i will still face the truth although ppl praise me


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