finally can login to blog!!!

im back in Genting...
my countdown to 2007 sucks...
dear and others went to a club to perform
tat a pool club
damn sien there!
even when they perform nobody shout for them
all busy playing pool =="
there goes our 2006...SIEN
anyway im happy that dear is with me =) my 2nd year in college!
so this means that i must study harder to get good grades
ya...i know is hard to push myself to study hard
becoz im aledi a habit
BUT i will still try hard okie? hehe...

i hope everyone i know and me can achieve what they want in 2007
all wishes can come true!!! XD greedy leh...will i be punish by God?
oh..pls dont...i just want everyone to be HAPPY XD


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