my first post after my computer came back!!!
i shouldnt use the word passed away last post
coz now my computer okie le! haha...
very happy coz finally got own computer to use
dont have to kacau ppl's computer

nothing much happen to me
rush assignments and trying hard to finish shooting my short movies
i really hope my short movie will be a bomb lo
thats why im trying very hard to make it nice
wish me luck people~ XD

miss mama and television very much o...
i wanna go home...i hope this week i can go back

woke up late for Movies class which is 10am
reached college at 10.45am =_="
Mr VJ was showing everyone's photo montage
so all of us dont wanna pass up first
who knows...he ended the class earlier!!!
end at 12pm so the remaining montages that havent shown in class
will be screen out next tuesday during our short movie screening
other lecturers and FOCAD ppl will attend leh
haiz... hope ppl wont laugh at me and say
" yerrr...this ugly duckling" =/

i rushed my movie review till 5am
slept for that 5hours is not enough lo
so Amanda and me planned to skip Interviewing class
both of us know we cannot tahan till 5pm
after our discussion about short movie
we chiao...i nap at home lo
not a nice nap coz VERY BERY hot

my photo montage!
lecturer only want 1 - 2minutes montage
so i didnt include lots of photos...

*yawn* bubble bath time =)


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