the cutie Cookie's mama gave me something to do haha!

1. 5 things found in my bag
* red wallet
* one packet of tissue
* diary
* lip gloss
* student ID

2. 5 things found in your wallet
* money
* IC
* ATM card
* cards from assorted shop
* prince teo's calendar

3. 5 favourite things in your room
* my bed zzZZzzz
* piano
* cds and posters
* wardrobe
* cards gave by dear

4. 5 things you've always wanted to do
* change hp
* dance again
* shop till i drop haha! =p
* watch movie with dear
* work on every saturday and sunday

5. 5 things you're currently into
* Prince Teo
* watch tv
* yahoo games
* shopping
* cant think of any =/

6. 5 persons that you tagged
* Chin Maan
* Christy
* Pauline
* Vvens
* Callie

I got job offer from Evonne
data entries from tomorrow till next week
yeah! dont have to slack at home
can earn some money =)

father going to Kuantan next week
mama may be going to seremban
and spend time with granpa and the baby Zhe Yu

father told mama that i look thin
thats why they order lots of dishes
and want me to finish it up
they kept saying that dont know what i ate outside
that moment i felt touch
I like it when they dont quarrel
at least got the warm family feel hanging around the house

Chye Li also intro job to me
have to go for interview
2nd June to 4th August
see how things go ba...

father insist that i must take 3 subjects next sem
but all the classes clash either same day or time
issshhh i hope they redo the timetable
and give me a nice timetable

Amanda, i do feel boring waiting for him
and now i seldom follow him to classes
so still okie hehe!

today is our anni!!! but we are not meeting each other
2 years and 7 months...
there are more to go hehe
I heart you and dont worry i wont leave you XD


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