Random photos

this is romantic, how i wish we could watch sunset and sun rise together

the baby sumo- Zhe Yu and his blur case "kai jie"

his signature pose,nowadays he keeps showing this pose

he likes people to touch his finger like this

tell me that you think he is cute too haha! =p

Im taking two subjects this semester
Media Ethics and Industrial Psychology
I think i have to polish my lecturer's shoe

in Media Ethics class, Miss Yusnita gave us three situations
first situation
a rich man and a poor man commit the same crime
both of them have to pay RM10,000 in order not to go in jail
rich man paid, but poor man could not afford so he went to jail
Do you think this is fair?

second situation
you are living in a country house
you came back from town and saw your neighbour's house was on fire
and your house in the another end was on fire too!
neighbour's house was just few steps away from your car
so you will save your family or your neighbour?

third situation
Mr Heintz's wife is sick...very very sick
he brings her to the clinic but he could not afford to pay
cannot even pay for the medicine
so he decided to steal the medicine to save his wife
Do you think his action is right?

hmm...quite interesting lo
all kinds of dilemma in these situations
and yeah, we always face dilemma in our daily life
but of course is not as serious till it include moral and ethic dilemma
so if you all are given these three situations
how will you all argue? what is your opinions towards these situations?

Im going back to Genting tomorrow
since thursday class was cancelled
and im not going back to Genting during weekends
because Im going to Sg Wang to collect Prince Teo's album
cant wait to listen man XD XD XD
so better go back tomorrow
if not my mama misses me too much not good haha!

going to watch Pirates of the Carribeans 3 in Mid Valley
Mama got 2 free tickets hehe!
muakz muakz muakz Mama you are the best =)

okie better hope wont see, hear any shouting or quarreling at home
*fingers crossed*


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