Yozzz...im back!!!
anyone miss me?
please say yes even though you didnt miss me =p

suppose to move into Serdang house
but the workers are still working on few things in the house
so maybe next week moving in...
i felt like i got no fate with this new house

i wanted to blog on 070707
coz is a special day!
but i reached home at 12.15am

i started working on 070707
work was ok...teaching kids really need patient
kids always want things to go according their way
so when you try to teach them, they dont like to follow
despite the gik sam part, i still love kids
they are still very cute!!! XD

the next day, team leader ask me to be promoter
wuwwuuu no more teaching kids...
talk from 11am-9pm, and i get back my "man" voice
arghhhhh~ i recover already ok?
from last month till now, keep having sore throat
recover then sick again and it goes on like that

the guy who fix my computer not yet call me
my dearie computer ar, how are you now?
i need you badly...

watched Transformer today at Cineleisure
I like to go there...like the enviroment
im not Transformer fans but after watching it
i think autobots are so cool man! haha
the part where bumblebee said wanna stay with the Sam
is so touchy!!! this movie is cool...
what if all the cars now are robots?
it sounds cool but in reality is kinda scary...

I like Industrial Psy class because Krish and I will talk about lots of thing
basically we talk about everything!
and because we only got 5 of us in the class
all are females, the lecturer is the only male
thorn among the roses =p
so when it comes to some topic about guys and girls
we kinda talk bad about guys lo...
then lecturer will try to defend
hmm...the process is fun at least is not a boring class
where you sit there and listen to what lecturer said
trying to stay awake when is a morning class
and count down when can end the class

Mei Fenn ar, is not that didnt talk about you
seldom get the chance to chat with you
you on msn but always chat few sentences then you offline le
then so ngam meetings always clash time with your school activities
thats why we really have less chance to chat
to me, you are a pretty and cute girl
ok, im not lying!
is really fun to meet you in activities...
but i think you are more into Wee than Nic hehe!
anyway is nice to know you and i really hope we got more chance to talk
so we are closer ok? =)

tomorrow has to go and buy Prince Repack
haiz...hope is not more than RM50
please!!! *fingers crossed*

I realise that i didnt show up in most of the UG's activities recently
dont know why i just feel like is not right for me to be there
my position is like hmm....weird!
although dear do complain that everyone are in pairs
except him, hmm...i felt guilty about that la
but still i feel weird hehe!
heard that some fighting happen during the camp
haiz...guys guys guys, to me the reason causes fighting to happen
is ridiculous can be avoided de...

Im happy to see lots of messages in my cbox
or ppl leave comments
because this means ppl still will read my blog
ok maybe read for fun but i take it as they care for me haha!
thanks for coming ya...and please keep on reading
although i admit my blog is really kinda boring =p


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