yoohoo~ Im in USJ now...

I thought i will be slacking at home
build up my spider web de...
then mama get me a data entry job in a logistic company
so i said ok why not go and work earn some money
than having spider web or mushroom on me haha!

Wednesday i got the job
today i start work le =/
and the people from streamyx just came and set up
but i dont have the chance to enjoy streamyx at home =(

actually dont feel like working...
but feel really useless to stay at home doing nothing
why i always have to face dilemma...
dilemma is inevitable sigh~

thanks to everyone that still come to my blog
I felt very happy to see so many messages in my cbox =)
at least i know all of you care for me ^_^

I wrote something in chinese when im slacking at home
I forget to bring the book so I cant blog it out
see when i go back to Serdang ba...

I realise that im working everyday!
Monday to Friday, data entry
Saturday and Sunday, Dutch Lady
aaaaahhhhhh~ suddenly feel very scared to work @_@

Im currently feeling very angry about something
please let me rant about it here...
YOU wanna move out then move! dont wanna move then speak out! always have to spoil people's plan! who the hell do you think you are? not even a piece of shit! damn you...ARGGGHHH~ I HATE YOU! @#@%@^#&#$&@$&@$&^@$^@$&@

and YOU i thought you will be always support me. YOU are the closest person to me and i trust and rely on you to do something but why now is like Im wrong? Im the one that find fault with people meh? isnt it their responsible to pay? why im always the person to be blame? I felt like crying when im on the phone with you. I told you im angry at you and you said once sorry and thats it! I felt like im making myself a fool in front of you. A fool that doesnt mean anything and really stupid!

lately really felt stressful because of the problem cause by the USJ house
financial problem is becoming the main concern of mine

when Im lying down on the bed at night
looking at the street lights...
I know im becoming very emo
whenever i felt emo, Prince Teo's voice will appear in Myfm
and that reminds me of all the Princesses
miss the fun we had, i know we are going to meet each other soon
and having the fun again...but still I miss you all!

haiz I dont know what im typing anymore...
feel like shouting and crying out loud now
and hope he will do something to cheer me up
ya hope...im always hoping and it will become dissapointing
this routine will never ends =(


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