ALOHA! Yours truly is fine now. THANK GOD! Really thank god =) Let me elaborate what happened to me last week.

Had a not bad valentine celebration and I thought good days are ahead but I had fever on 15 February which is also thebf and my 51th month anniversary. We didn't go anywhere, only stay home. I slept at 9pm and had really high fever in the middle of the night.

16 February - I called mom and told her I was having fever. She said better see doctor so we went when parents came back from work. Doctor gave paracetamol and antibiotic as usual. I thought is a normal fever. Well, apparently is wasn't =(

17 February - Still fever. Called doctor to asked whether should take blood test or not. He said too early to take test. Okay, don't have to take Im the happiest girl in this world =p

18 February - Mom called doctor again. He said better take blood test since is the fourth day edy. I went and cried in the room la. I covered my eyes, I cannot see that needle I just can't. Not very pain and I love that doctor haha! Poor dear nearly faint seeing my blood =( Okay, nobody asked him to look at the blood but he don't understand why he looks anyway haha! Poor fella, his face turned pale =(

Went home to wait for the result. Hoping is not dengue of course but too bad it was. Doctor said must admit to the hospital and that really scare the hell out of me. Hence, the post of me admitting to hospital was posted up. I packed and fyi, I packed bit bit with me too haha! Parents then rushed home and brought me to Hospital Serdang.

Waited at emergency department. Well, the speed of how they handle things were not really in an emergency mode. Finally they called my name and THEY TOLD ME THEY HAVE TO TAKE BLOOD FROM ME AGAIN! AGAIN!!! wtf? WHY MUST TREAT ME LIKE THAT? I just took in the afternoon =((((( Anyway, is their procedure so yeah another round of crying in the room.

This blood taking pissed me off. Two pink dressed nurses took my blood. As usual, I cried and hugged my mom and I don't see what's happening. DAMN PAINFUL YOU KNOW? That nurse can say "Don't move", "I can't see" wtf? What can't see? The doctor took this afternoon got no problem? So, they poke my right hand can't get blood and tried left hand. ISSSHHH VERY PAIN AND I HATE THEM =(

Waited again for the lab to process. Platelet was at 99, should be at 150-400. Anyhoo, doctor said don't have to admit. I have to take lots of fluid. AND I HAVE TO TAKE BLOOD TEST EVERYDAY! EVERY SINGLE DAY! I NEARLY FAINTED IN THE ROOM WHEN I HEARD THAT =(

Parents went and search for papaya leaf. They heard that can help dengue patients. Oh ya they bought small bitter gourd. I tell you the taste of papaya leaves juice is hell. Bitter gourd juice is another hell!!!!! Even for now, whenever I think of both of these, I can lose appetite to eat. That super duper green smell *yikes*

19 February - Stay home. Try hard to drink as much water as I can. Went to the nearby Policlinic to take blood. Still cry and hugged mom. Sorry la I just can't help it. I cannot "tahan" to see the needle and thinking the needle is poking me. WHO INVENT NEEDLES ANYWAY? =(

Platelet increase to 104!!! Not high but at least increased!

20 February - Can't believe what happened today. Went to Hospital Serdang instead of the policlinic because is not open during weekends. I have that two pink nurses phobia so my heart was pumping super fast. Okay thank god they were not there. Another round of crying and hugging. Nurse usually give me that how-old-are-you look when I cry. WHY? CANNOT CRY MEH? CANNOT HAVE PHOBIA AR? =((((

Waited for lab to process again. is not few minutes thingy you know, few hours. Really felt sorry to my parents and thebf to waiting with me. Doctor said platelet drop to 91 and I have to drip. I HAVE TO DRIP?!!!!! OMG!

I cried on the bed and keep asking my mom will it be pain and she said is needle sure pain =____=" She's always so calm. Hugged her again and is really painful. T_T

Walked to the temporary wad. Lied on the bed. Nurse starts the drip. My right hand felt cooling. Parents went home and thebf stayed with me. That experience is a nightmare. I don't know how to describe. The environment is ice cold. Sick people around you. And here you are, lying there with drip. Awwww~ scary.

I wanted to go toilet after first packet and I have to hold that packet to toilet with me =_=" I had two packets of drips in two hours. When the nurse remove the needle and tiub is REALLY PAINFUL! I told mom, what if I stay in hospital so I don't have to poke again if tomorrow have to drip again. But nurse said I wasn't serious enough to admit so die die have to poke again if really have to drip again T_T T_T T_T

21 February - Hospital Serdang again. Platelet increased to 97. Same routine, drink more water. Rashes were really bad. I have never seen such amount of rashes on me before =((( What make it worse is that is itchy =((((

22 February - Hospital Serdang. Platelet - 104. Still praying hard, drink more water and trying to eat. All these days got no appetite to eat at all =(

23 February - Miracle! Platelet went up to 173! They called me in the injection room again after taking my blood. I thought this time die, don't tell me have to drip! The guy said "Okay. Normal. Tomorrow is the last day to take blood" OMG I thought I heard something wrong! Seriously, I can't believe haha!

24 February - Today went to policlinic. Platelet - 241. Thank god!!! Anyhoo, my blood still quite thick so still have to drink lots of water.

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO TEXT, CALL, PRAY AND LEAVE MESSAGE IN MY BLOG. Thanks for the concern, I really appreciate it deep down from my heart =))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo! XD

THANKS TO MY FAMILY MEMBERS AND THEBOYFRIEND TOO! They treated me like a princess all these days. THANKS A LOT <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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