
I was surprised that we were given seats for the event at Summit. Basically we are like vip haha!

Like Akiko said, he looks better in person. ^_^

Do you know how is he? His drama, [A Cup of Love] is currently airing on 8tv, every Sunday at 8.30pm. He is Duncan 林豪俊!

Okay this is Nicholas Teo haha!

We bid bye bye and rush to The Gardens Red Box. Thanks Elaine for giving me a ticket =) Nothing much about this event. Is a recording for "You are on air". I guess stay tune to Wah Lai Toi.

Then went to Chin Woo Stadium. Although for this event, smaller crowd but cheering volume is never low haha! I didn't shout out loud that night because I started coughing when event starts. Weird I know =______="

So I decided to enjoy the music showcase quietly. Somehow I prefer music showcase than concert. If is a unplug music showcase will be great. Soothing music and his voice, great combination. I like to listen to him singing live. That love =)

Didn't take pictures with others =( So only two pictures.

“你那把声音还是深深地感动我, 多年的友谊也会继续走下去。 对我而言,友谊永远排第一。偶像是红娘牵引我们的友谊 =)”


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