When I'm bored...

photoshop is my companion. Photoshop brushes and pictures. Paste, paste, and paste.

FYI, is my current wallpaper.

Continue with random pictures:

Shiseido Black Mask: Effectively remove black heads ^_^


I can't believe I wake up at 7am and can't sleep back wtf. Im still wide awake =___=" So, what to do next?


Paupau said…
wow,didn't expect to see the last photo.can i say shocking? :P
chyeli said…
wei,, the 2nd pic look very young le.. haha.. so cute..
Joanne said…
Pauline: Shocking hor. Hahaha!

Chyeli: Haha other pics look old isit hahaha!
chyeli said…
haha... the 2nd one look extreme young.. like just started secondary school.. haha.. the rest okla.. haha.. not too old.. at least u still younger than me ok?? =P

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