China Trip

I have sort of neglected my blog for no reason =___=" Somehow I think nobody reads my blog anymore. Sorry I have to maintain Raydio's blog and facebook, so I somehow ignored my blog and sometimes even my own facebook wtf.

I did lots of research about Chang Sha and Gui Lin online. Emailed many people to ask for information. Somehow this trip was plan by ourselves with a little bit help from our China friend.

Cut the crap and let the pictures do the talking.

#1 In the airport van. Going to Gui Lin train station.

#2 The van.

#3 Along the way from airport to train station. New houses.

#4 Real old one. I wonder anyone really live there.

#5 Gui Lin train station!!!

The van didn't stop at the train station. He stops somewhere nearby and we suppose to find the train station ourselves wtf. Luckily the locals were helpful and direct us correctly haha!

From the information I got online, we suppose to catch 1pm train from Gui Lin to Chang Sha. The girl at the counter told me there's no 1pm train today and the only train is 7pm. *FAINT*

We had lunch at a nearby restaurant. Our first meal in China. Sucks. Just look at the picture below to see how oily are the food. wtf.

#6 See the OIL?????

#7 I miss Malaysia's food =(

In order to kill some time, we rented a hotel room for 3 hours to bath and rest.

#8 Big room.

After 8 hours train ride, we finally finally finally reach Chang Sha!!!

#9 When I step out the station, saw Mcd. My feeling was like seeing water in the desert haha! Something familiar!!!

We were exhausted, had a quick dinner cum supper. Took cab to our hotel.

#10 Small but cozy.

I know the way I wrote very cincai. Kinda lazy to tell the details because it involves gossiping so better zip zip zip haha!

And this is how I celebrate Merdeka's eve. Editing pictures since morning till now. Write blog and update facebook. Finally there's some time for me to do something for myself. Ya, for a long time I didn't pamper myself. I kept doing/thinking for others more than myself. Somehow I believe as long as others are happy, I will be too. I am happy when others are happy but people don't seem to appreciate what I did and always ignore how I really feel. Being a libra, I can't see the balance and that's why Im frustrated. The sad part is even when Im frustrated, people don't really care or do something.

Im fine. Just need to rant. Thats all. Im very sleepy. Good night.

Im not a patriotic person but I wanna shout MERDEKA! MERDEKA! MERDEKA!

*I wishI can be selfish, that's my Merdeka moment*


christy said…
haha when i went to gui lin, the first thing i saw from the foods is oil.... and somehow i don't like the food.. they seem like got limited choice..

anyway just wish that u will stay happy.. stay healthy.. see ya soon
Joanne said…
Haha ya OIL wtf. Cant believe they can survive with this kind of cooking =___=" I think they immune to it liao. Too healthy food will make them sick haha!

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