Love hate relationship

I have love hate relationship with reading. I do not like to read since primary school. Mainly because my father will force us to go National Library every school holiday. I remembered sneaking off to read Doraemon instead of the books he wants us to read. I know the advantage of reading but somehow I just don't like to be force to do something. I will do it when I feel like doing it. Guess this applies to everyone.

So, somehow I just hate reading. As years go by, I'm older more matured now, I started to pick up reading again and falling in love with it :) I like to read romance novel. The reason is obvious, I'm a typical girl who always have fantasy about love. Hence, I love to watch drama and now, reading novel.

Reading novel make room for imagination. I can imagine I'm one of the character and imagine the guy of my choice for the other character. Living in my imaginary world according to the script(novel). I'm the director of the movie playing in my head :)

I'm currently reading The Notebook. Words can be so beautiful. Simple words combine together is a beautiful story. So beautiful that I wish in reality there's such story. Perhaps there are, but not that I heard of.

I find reading after work makes me feel deliberate. Deliberate from work, stress, in fact, from this world. Everyday my parents would be warning me on how crimes are conducted. Even at work, I browse through TheStar or CNN website, most of the news are either murder, flood, rape and etc. Thinking about how scary the world has become give me chills.

I found a substitute for holiday as getaway from the reality, reading it is. Is cheaper and I can do it anytime, anywhere I want :P But...I think nothing beats traveling. While enjoying my self-created substitute, I'm motivating myself to save up and it will be a dream come true soon :)


Just finish reading The Notebook. Cried as if I watch Korean drama. I don't think I can ever meet a guy like Noah in The Notebook. Someone who willing to love one so much more than himself. Selfish is not a trait you can ever see in Noah which is the trait I love the most about him.

Most of the people I met are selfish. Perhaps should say who isn't selfish. We protect ourselves from getting hurt and disappointment. Even I am selfish because I'm afraid of disappointment. To love someone unconditionally, is what we should all learn and practice.

Optimistic is another trait in Noah which I always fail to do. I want to be optimistic all the time, but most of the time I can't because I know the reality is not as optimistic I thought I will be. Everytime I tell myself, everything will be fine. It won't turn out the way I thought. I gave up on being optimistic. However, I'm not going to have negative thoughts all the time. I will probably end up having depression. I stay neutral. Not having hope, nor negative thoughts. What will happen, will happen no matter how hard you try to prevent, so welcome it and go along with the flow. There's always a way out, this is what I tell myself these days.

Typing this in a dark room. Thinking about the The Notebook I just read. Wondering a lot of what ifs. Stared at this space, thought of the stress and problems I had at work. Guess I just need to get some sleep, throw all the problems aside and be a dreamer.


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