There are times when

I feel like writing. Login blogger and click on New Post. Stare at the blank space, start thinking what to put as title (which is always the hardest part for me) then the content. Out of the sudden, I forgot what I intended to write. But typing is all I want to do now so being the stubborn me, I will still crap something out.

I had trouble sleeping last night. Tired mentally and physically, after rolling left and right for hours, I slept. Re-charging process is not going well. Many hours of sleeping doesn't help. Exercising would be the next option I guess.

We read, see, listen to numerous things everyday, then develop own judgement and perception. At times, we don't understand why so and so will have certain thinking or decision. Probably we do know why but can do nothing.

We complain when we have no choices, and we do so when we have many choices too. Decision making process is a tough one because we scared to make one that we will regret, cry over it and complain "If I choose....then it will not be...."

I been there and really cried over it. Every now and then, I'm still facing the tough decision making process. Don't think there will be a solution because every situation needs a personalize solution lol! (Own theory :P)

#1 Current wallpaper

Miss going to Photography trip. I feel contented and happy travelling and spend days taking photos.

Nature is love :)


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