Thanks Giving

No, I didn't celebrate. I wish to eat turkey though haha!

Just posted on Weibo about 巾帼枭雄之義海豪情 (Simply because I was watching just now) then I saw this...

Now shout out loud with me that I have fate with him! LOL

He posted a minute earlier than me, enjoying his turkey with his family. He did invited me to go with him but I have to work so...yeah I'm here in Malaysia.

I know I know I just lied :(

Well, dream does not incur cost so DREAM BIG :)


Hmm...obviously this post shows how boring I am. Read some of the Weibo posts that they are going to Genting for Yu Xie Award, some will slack at home i.e ME haha!

Tomorrow will finally make a trip to studio. Need to meet different people, be in a different environment to de-stress. I am now more and more gan jeong for my event next week o.O

Sunday is an official rest-at-home day, self declare of course. I can't afford to stay late because I can really feel the consequences on Monday. Sounded quite sad hor! Nevermind, I live a healthy lifestyle *inject positive thinking*

Did some online shopping. It is addictive! I went one shop to another and kept having the urge to place order. One minute was thinking which design to get, next minute I will be making payment! *smack head*

Well, I do have my partner in crime and I............miss her!

Do come and claim your stuffs! I will do whatever it takes to meet you *evil smile* LOL

While typing this extremely pointless and boring post, I'm actually waiting for Thebrother to download 巾帼枭雄之義海豪情 episode 28 and at the same time, still feeling excited of my strong fate with HIM

Nitey night!


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