Twenty Ten

Dear Twenty Ten,

I miss you! Somehow I don't want to say goodbye to you. Was emo-ing with AhBo on 31st but I guess we just need to move on and welcome 2011 with open arms.

2011 is all about bigger responsibility and lots of fear. I do have plans and goals to achieve in 2011 but I haven't set or...more like I do not know how to set the timeline for the goals and plans.
Many things to achieve, many things to do, many plan to make.

Learned a lot in 2010. I graduated (finally), had my first job and found out it wasn't what I wanted, quited after 3 months. Honestly, I was scared. Scared that I couldn't get a job, and even told myself in a month time, if I couldn't get the job I want, will just settle for any job that's available. Luckily I got a job after 2weeks job application :)

Life been busy since then. Had outstations events, learned quite a fair bit. Then, been through office politics (again, as if I haven't had enough from the previous company). Well, that's life. When there's people, there's problems because we are not make for each other so compromising and accepting each other's flaws..may not be easy for many people.

Bosses been stressing on how much they want to train me to be a project manager in the shortest time. Seriously stress. I know I'm capable to take up the challenge but when your boss kept stressing it, it a bit too much to take it. Well, again is life :) I appreciate the chances given, and will work my ass off to prove my capability.

Relationship wise, I nearly err...wanted to break up with Theboyfriend. Something that I never talk about in my blog or to any of my friends (except AhBo). You know when you are given chances over the years, and you were still seeing the same bad habits. You get tired of talking and when this occurs, it means you have decided to give up on this person. I have been stressing this point over and over and over and over again, he got it but just couldn't do anything about it I guess.

To be fair to him, I decided to hold back and spend more time together to see if it helps. Because the past 3 months I have been busy traveling and working, he's been busy with his own event too. So probably the being apart doesn't make the heart fonder but further wtf. Will see how things go in 2011.
I'm fine, really fine. Just feel like jotting it down :)

Friendship. I always believe in not having a lot of friends but a few close friends will do. I lost and gained some friends and thanks to friends who are willing to stand by me no matter what happens :) At this point of life, I somehow feel the need to have friends than boyfriend. I do not know why but I really love hanging out with friends. Imagine going out with boyfriend, just the 2 of us, is boring. Something is wrong with me I guess lol!

Family. I have been rude to my mother. Simply because I couldn't accept her change in behavior and attitude. Well, my resolution in 2011 is to be a polite daughter like I had always be. Too long story and hard to explain in words about my thoughts on my family.

Oh, twenty ten...after typing these, I miss you more lol! Thanks for treating me well and to people who make my twenty ten awesome pawsome,  A BIG HUG TO ALL OF YOU =D

Let's rock 2011! Love all of YOU :)



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