
Showing posts from September, 2016

Hello World!

Tried to load my blog yesterday but was greeted with an error message from blogger, stating that template code was corrupted. I stared at the screen for 5 seconds, googled about the error, did a few attempts with the solutions provided on forum and none of it solve the problem. Came back to check on the blog earlier, changed the template and my dead blog is up and running again. Since I'm here, might as well pen down my thoughts and also what had happened during my absent since my last post. W O R K. As a self-proclaimed workaholic, of course work is the first thing I will touch on ;) I am still working with the same company and as much as I curse during the preparation of each event I handle, I can proudly say I still love my job. We try to have various back-up plans to be prepared for any emergency situations but as much as we want to be prepared, we will never be "fully" prepared. That's the reality in the event industry. This is exactly why I am still in th...