MO.A Live in Malaysia 2011
My heart was beating so fast! Can't wait to see them! They are really good looking in person :) 2 Dec 2011 Last minute decision to stalk the boys at the hotel. It was one of the best decision we ever made and is the start of the wonderful memory. 3 Dec 2011 Laine and I picked up Karen and Christine then Mei Fenn went straight to Stadium MBSJ. Managed to catch a glimpse of the boys! Never thought I would have the chance to see them rehearsing. Love the part where we start fan chant when they were rehearsing. Small disappointment that we didn't managed to see the boys at the hotel after rehearsal. Well, we managed to see something else though :) Cooked ourselves under the sun while waiting to enter the stadium. We were promised to have the privilege to go in the stadium at 5pm by buying the concert ticket with fans club. However, the gate was only opened at 6pm! We were really pissed! Big ...