
Showing posts from November, 2008

Top Flow!

Watched Battleground 2008? Not yet? Go watch it and start supporting Top Flow haha! The team leader - Raymond Tan Not easy to choreograph and practice few routines for the competition within a week or two. Sometimes the leader felt helpless... stress and tired... But no matter what, they will try their best for every round they managed to get in. Here they are, TOP FLOW!!! *Watch Battleground 2008 on Astro, Channel 311 every saturday at 7pm*


哈罗!你又老了,但是越老越红是值得开心的哈哈哈! 相信除了你很想家以外,你的愿望都实现了吧 所以就祝你快快乐乐,身体健康! 一直以来都听说很多友谊出问题的CASE但要说真的发生在我身上的应该都没有。这些听说与看到的经验让我觉得友谊是一个很脆弱的东西。不可以只是用嘴说友谊永固,它就会。真的要用心去做,而且是需要双方都愿意那样做,友谊才会真的坚固。我想啊,那我现在拥有的友谊会长久吗?会因为一些外来的因素而变质吗?我怕,真的怕因为我很喜欢我现在拥有的朋友。虽然大家都不知道以后会怎样,但我希望大家都是用真心做朋友就好。 我没有在讲任何人,不要对号入座。纯粹是个人想法!偶尔想要感性一下,OKAY吧哈哈!

Pinky Geeky Terrorists

Haven't get any photos from Joey and Vicky so I only post up 4 photos taken by my cellphone. Let me introduce, first pinky geeky terrorist is.... *drum rolls* SoonSiewYing. Next will be... *drum rolls* again LowJiayi. Then both of them... This is their photo without the pink scarf. If you spot them in town, please leave comment here. You will be rewarded. 不良笑花是好看到,感动到。。。爆!哈哈! 唐门,一个冷冷的人变得那么浪漫竟然被误会。唉,真的心酸。非常的期待十三集!应该又会哭了。我爱上唐门了!*用小花的口音说* 云顶行是好笑到。。。爆!有开心到啦。很喜欢阿米魔们!一班阿米魔们骑着巧克力色的地毯, 是好笑的!也很对不起D先生,吵到你了哈哈!不过我觉得你应该也乐在其中吧,我宁可这样想哈哈哈哈哈!Vicky and Joey, 希望可以很快拿到我们的照片。超想看的,哈哈!

Battleground 2008- Semi Final 1 & 2

Date: 21 November 2008 Time: 12pm Venue: Pavilion Decided to surprise theboyfriend so went to Pavilion. Today is the day where Vicky and Lesbo coming to Malaysia too. Original plan was I join them to spend a night at Joey's house but plan changed so Im a homeless girl =_=" theboyfriend didn't sounded surprise but I think he's happy Im there? haha! I was so blur till I forgot to charge my camera before I leave the house haix. All the photos were taken by Chin Maan and K800i. Anyway Top Flow (theboyfriend's team) did their very best and they managed to get in Top 7! Yo~ Top Flow! XD The Supporters hehe! Now I realise that three of us wore red top! haha "liong" boyfriend! Me! with his suspender and bow tie hahaha! While waiting for theboyfriend to change in his car... Camwhore lo what else haha! heart you lots! ^_^ Date: 22 November 2008 Time: 1pm Venue: Pavilion Came down from Genting then rush to Pavilion. Today is another round of semi final. and and a...

Singapore Trip 2

went to Singapore again because theboyfriend took part in Floor The Love dance competition. He didn't even ask me whether do I wanna tag along, he told his friends that Im tagging along with him =___=" Long long time didn't see him dance and I think he really wants me to be there so I better be hehe! Drove to Muar. Spent a night and start driving again to JB. Why do we drive and create all these hassle while we can just get on the bus, sleep and wake up in Singapore? Haha simply because I can never rely on my man to arrange a trip =/ Reached Dhoby Ghaut MRT station. Saw a familiar figure standing outside haha! YES, is lesbo!!! She's nice enough to walked back to the MRT station after waiting for me for half an hour at SMU. She then showed us the way to the venue. I went off with lesbo to have some food. Fried rice with spicy tuna and omelet. Quite nice. After nice food, went to M.O.S burger with lesbo to get iced milk tea. Nice Nice! =))) walked around Plaza Singapura....

Competition and Surprise!

nah I didn't participate in any competition. Is Jia Xin! Promised her to go months ago and started planning for Lesbo's birthday surprise since then too. Everything went according to plan and all of us had a great time. A very short summary in English because I am going to blog in Chinese for this post. 本来打算自己去新山和新加坡但是贪吃鬼说可以和我一起去所以就变二人行了嘻嘻!一路上,我都很忙。。。忙着和周董谈情哈哈!对不起啦,贪吃鬼我真得很眼睡哈哈! 两个不懂路的人,随便直走转这里那里也总算安全到达哈哈!虽然迟到了没看到嘉欣在台上的风采但是后来看照片还是觉得你很棒!你的配件都很美! 嘉欣比赛的台。很喜欢她做的链,很美!^_^ 见到了嘉欣的男友,真得很曹格的感觉哈哈!吃了饭,聊了一下,本想一起看戏但是大家都累了所以就明天见!嘻嘻! 感谢Kelvin收留我们哈哈!在City Square等他,贪吃鬼就开始买东西吃了。油炸鬼加了沙律, 蛮好吃的。 贪吃鬼 ==“ 吃完了,回到家, 冲凉,睡觉哈哈! 第二天 谢谢Kelvin的妈妈载我们到City Square。 午餐蛮好吃的,葡萄牙鸡翅膀。=) 差不多一点到新加坡。嘉欣带路,去到了Jurong East。 靠近寿星的家也还好没遇见哈哈!竟然在Daiso逛了两个小时。嘉欣买的都是吃得哈哈!我买的也是吃的 =p 看到 MOS Burger, 是我一直想吃得耶!但是刚吃了午餐所以只买一个,过下瘾也好哈哈!Unagi Rice Burger, 很好吃! 开开心心的逛了,吃了。就去Novena。 到了,贪吃鬼又买饭团吃 ==“ 嘉欣和我都不大有兴趣因为不是我们吃的白饭哈哈!买了,走下走下竟然走到医院 ==“ 总于等到Vicky, 聊了一下就走出去因为Vicky要指路给我们知道那餐厅在哪。因为嘉欣要早一点走所以叫Vicky打电话给其他人早一点到。哪知道他们都到了。Susu过来然后他说他看到寿星在里面。嘉欣和我一听到寿星...

Welcome to the big 2...

*Took this on the first time I went to Singapore. I don't know why I took this haha! Accidently found it =p * haha yes! you are finally not a teenager and not an adult yet HAHA! know you because of him. dont know when we started to chat in msn and since then we kind of hook to each other hahahaha! Is like a must to chat everyday or else it will be weird =p The amount of craps that we created are seriously a lot HAHA! We are crappy =p we may not have the best luck but knowing each other, sharing our sway incidents, I think that's a kind of good luck? hehe! May we still share everything 5 or 10 years down the road. May we still less than three each other HAHA! Lesbo, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY! xoxo

Myanmar Trip - Day 2 Part 2

The "castle" up on the mountain is a temple. This mountain is called Mt. Popa. It is a dead volcano. The journey to Mt. Popa is like going up to Genting. The weather also similar with Genting. Happy Happy! because finally is not hot haha! Before we start climbing up to the temple, we went to a nat temple. Nat means spirit. Long Long ago, Mae Wun Na was staying in Mt Popa. She only eats flowers therefore she's very beautiful. After she died, she became the queen of Mt. Popa and take care of this mountain. Looks like a volcano but it isn't. So happen clouds were on top of the mountain hehe! Where we start climbing up... There are a lot a lot a lot of monkeys on the stairs! Be very careful! Don't buy the peanuts because all of them will jump on you =_=" All sorts of stairs... Along the way there are some stores... I tried my best to walk up as fast as I can because Im very scared of those monkeys T_T After 30 minutes, we are finally up on the hill!!! There ...